Library membership is free to all residents of the Bonfield Township. New applications require presentation of proof of name and address. Application for children’s cards (age 16 or less) must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Non-residents who live outside of the Bonfield Township can join for $25.00 a year.
The use of the Library is a privilege and not a right. All conduct that materially disrupts the use of the library facilities, collections or services or is defined as unacceptable is prohibited in this library.
The library staff and volunteers will not be held responsible for the welfare of children left unattended in and about the Library premises or any information accessed by the underage user.
Many of the resources available at the Bonfield Public Library are suited to accessibility needs.
Persons with disabilities are welcome to use personal assistive devices, registered service animals and/or support persons in the library.
Outreach service is available to the homebound in the Bonfield Township.
Books, pre-loaded Kobo e-readers, Talking Books are on a 3 Week loan period.
DVD’s are available for 1 week and a limit of 3 per family may be borrowed at one time.
Adults are limited to 10 books, 2 talking books, 3 dvd’s at a time. Children under 16 are limited to 5 books, and 1 talking book. This policy may be altered at the discretion of the library staff.
Any patron who has demonstrated repeated abuse of borrowing privileges will be restricted from taking any material out of the library. The library does not currently collect overdue fines. A voluntary donation is accepted. Patrons will be charged replacement cost of all library materials lost or damaged.
The library welcomes donations of suitable library materials to its collection. (No encyclopedias or text books). Any and all donated material may not necessarily be accepted by the library. All donated material, once accepted become the property of the Bonfield Public Library.
Students who need to complete their community service hours are welcome at the Bonfield Public Library.
Friends of the Library are always looking for new members. If you have an interest in the Library and have a few hours a month, please join our group. For more information contact the Library at (705)776-2396 or bonfieldlibrary@gmail.com and check out the Friends of the Library page on the website.
Interlibrary Loan: If you cannot find what you are looking for in our collection, we can borrow materials from other Libraries. Check out the Interlibrary Loan page for information and access to ZPortal.
Magazines: Current magazines are designated for in-library use only. All other magazines do not have a return due date.
Printing: Black & White and Colour printing is available at a nominal fee. All fees are subject to change without notice.
25¢ per sheet B & W
10¢ per sheet B & W (school work/nonprofit organization)
$1.00 per sheet Colour
$1.00 per sheet plus printing cost for High Gloss paper
Laminating: All fees are subject to change without notice.
50¢ per Business card Size
$1.00 per sheet – 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper size
Fax: All fees are subject to change without notice.
25¢ per sheet – local calls
50¢ per sheet – long distance
Free – Toll free numbers (800, 844, 855, 866, 877, 888)
Disc Cleaning: All fees are subject to change without notice.
$2.00 per disc/per side – patron must sign waiver
Outdoor Return Box: is available 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
Computers: 4 terminals and scanner are available with high speed internet. Patrons must sign in and out at the Front desk.
Free Wireless Access (Wi-Fi): Username and password are available at the library.
E-Resources: Explore our online resources for all ages through our website and access a digital world of knowledge, literacy, and enjoyment. The Bonfield Public Library provides access to a wealth of E-Books and audiobooks through the Ontario Library Services Download Centre OVERDRIVE.
PALS: Members of the Bonfield Public Library can receive a Nipissing University/Canadore College Library card by presenting their Bonfield Public Library card and identification with their current address at the Harris Learning Library.