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OverDrive/Libby is a free service offered by your public library that lets you borrow eBooks, audiobooks, videos and more from their digital collections.

All you need to get started with free digital titles from Overdrive is an internet connection, a library card and the Libby app.


Explore the OverDrive Catalogue and check it out HERE for Ontario Library Service Download Centre OverDrive for a full-service digital distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, and other digital content. At Sign In and choose the Bonfield Public Library from the dropdown menu insert your Library Card Number. For help on getting started click here. Please be advised Amazon Kindle currently does not work with OverDrive, with the exception of the Kindle Fire. Please refer to Overdrive/Android Tablet instructions for information on how to get OverDrive Media Console on your Kindle Fire.


You will need to use your new 14-digit patron ID number starting with 223960000. If you do not have one, come in and get it. If you have lost or forgotten your 14-digit number, contact us. If you allow your computer to remember your password, you’ll only have to put the number in once.


If you are a first-time user, go to the OverDrive help page for eBook and audiobooks basics, information on device compatibility and step by step instructions on how to get set up for downloading.

There’s an app for that! Just search for “Libby” in your apps store – it’s free.




Project Gutenberg offers over 59,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.

Current Hours

Effective October 16, 2023



Monday               10:00 am-4:00 pm

Tuesday               4:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Wednesday         10:00 am- 8:00 pm

Thursday             4:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Friday                     Closed/Ferme

Saturday             10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday                   Closed/Ferme


© 2020 by Bonfield Public Library. 

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